Source code

In computer science, source code is any collection of computer instructions (possibly with comments) written using some human-readable computer language.

Why Your Business Should Opt for a Minimal Awesome Solution, Not a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

The concept of MVP (Minimum Viable Product) has become increasingly popular in the world of software development. However, this approach can lead to a less-than-adequate solution for users. Let's explore why organizations should strive for a minimal awesome solution instead of an MVP.

The 5 U's of Usability and User-Centered Design:

  • User-centered Design
  • User-centered design is a process in which the needs, wants, and limitations of end users of a product, service or process are given the primary focus of attention at each stage of the design process.

    The main difference from other product design philosophies is that user-centered design tries to optimize the product around how users can, want, or need to use the product, rather than forcing the users to change their behavior to accommodate the product (aka. Engineering-Centric Design).

    See also:

  • Usability Testing
  • Don’t let them know you can write code

    There have been a few rumblings in the past year or so in the “twittersphere” from some noted UX professionals that as UX’ers we should learn programming. You may or may not agree with this in principle, but I would like to add this story to the mix. The “moral “to the story is that if you can code, don’t let them know!

    The end user doesn't read the source code!

    For way too many years we have used that phrase to explain to developers that it is important for them to try to understand their users.

    Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t.

    When it didn’t work, we tried to explain about users using most of the standard, and many of the non-standard techniques: