OSEHRA Open Source Summit 2015

Our CXO, Bennett Lauber, will be presenting a talk at the OSEHRA 2015 Open Source Summit.

His talk will highlight the many changes in the Safety-enhanced Design portion of the new certification requirements for Meaningful Use Stage 3.

OSEHRA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating innovation in electronic health record software and related technology. OSEHRA supports an open, collaborative community engaged in advancing EHR software and related health IT. Additionally, OSEHRA hosts software repositories for applications such as VistA, Blue Button, HealtheMe PHR, and now popHealth®.

The final schedule has not yet been published, but the conference will be:

Wednesday, July 29, 2015 - Friday, July 31, 2015

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Eastern Time

Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center
5701 Marinelli Road
Bethesda, Maryland 20852